On 6 September, Deputy Prefect Christian Védélago was invited to a session to find out how the exam is organised at La Poste. The La Poste team in Nogent-le-Rotrou runs an average of 15 individual sessions per week. To date, more than 350 candidates from Eure-et-Loir, Orne and Loiret have taken advantage of this system, which has been in place throughout France by La Poste since June 2016. Patricia Chaumier, a customer service representative and examiner, told the Deputy Prefect enthusiastically about her interest in this new mission, which she finds particularly engaging and enjoyable. With four of her colleagues, she received the training required to welcome and support candidates throughout the test. What’s more, after passing their test, happy candidates often come and share the good news with the post office team. This is proof, if any were needed, of the quality of the reception offered in Nogent-le-Rotrou and of the benefit of this additional service for La Poste customers. Christian Védélago is certainly a fan, commenting that “more than just a continuation of services, it is a truly unprecedented local service for young people in the district.”