Published on August 27, 2021
Updated on September 9, 2024

Metropolises, medium-sized towns, suburbs, market towns and villages cover a wide range of realities, all of which call for tailored services. New family patterns, greater mobility and longer life expectancy are all changes that give rise to new vulnerabilities.

Taking action for ageing well

By 2030, the number of people aged 75-84 in France will have risen from 4 to 6 million, and 85% of French people want to age at home (sources: Haut-commissariat au plan - January 2023 and Étude Xerfi 2022). The issues of homecare and access to services, including healthcare, are therefore a major social challenge throughout France. La Poste group intends to play a major role in helping people to age well.

At the end of 2023, La Poste created La Poste Santé & Autonomie, with the ambition of deploying, within a sovereign and ethical framework, a strategy aimed at becoming a benchmark partner for healthcare professionals, establishments and industries, focusing on local human services for home healthcare and trusted digital services for healthcare data.

The transformation of tertiary buildings into non-medical senior residences is part of the Group's development in the Silver economy. An agreement signed by La Poste Immobilier in October 2020 with real estate partners has enabled the delivery of the first seniors' residence in 2024: Les Jardins d'Arcadie in Châteauroux. The next postal buildings to be converted and delivered by 2025 into seniors' residences (Brest, Saint-Étienne, Auch, Villefranche-de-Rouergue, Amiens) are part of the Group's commitment to helping people age well and maintain their social.

Acting as a responsible employer

As France's second largest employer after the French state, La Poste has strengthened its commitment to social responsibility year after year. This commitment is inseparable from its ambition to be the leading provider of local services.

For several years now, La Poste group has been committed to the inclusion and continued employment of people with disabilities. With a proactive social policy, it is the leading employer of disabled people in France, with 14,000 postal workers concerned. La Poste exceeds the legal employment rate of 6% for disabled workers, reaching 9.33% in 2023.

Supporting young people

La Poste group is committed to a proactive, inclusive social policy that promotes equal opportunities and facilitates the professional integration of young people and people who are far from employment, whatever their origin.

In 2019, the Group has decided to become involved in a new framework for mobilising partnerships, the PAQTE initiative (Pact with the neighbourhoods for all companies - an initiative of the French Ministry for Territorial Cohesion and Relations with Local Authorities), in favour of the priority neighbourhoods of the city policy (QPV).

As a signatory of the « 1 young person 1 solution plan », La Poste group is committed to working with the public authorities and opening its doors to 16-25 year-olds through internships, work-study programmes, apprenticeships and permanent and fixed-term contracts. In 2023, the Mission Committee recognised the achievement of La Poste's objective as a responsible and inclusive employer, particularly for young people.

  • More than 16,780 young people were supported in 2023, on work placements, sandwich courses, fixed-term contracts and open-ended contracts. 983 3rd grade trainees and 226 work-study students from disadvantaged neighbourhoods were taken on by La Poste in 2023.

  • With a nationwide presence, La Poste is mobilising its power to deploy national partnership agreements at regional level between the 2nd chance schools network and the Missions Locales network. It promotes and encourages the commitment of its employees, during their working hours, to participate in solidarity missions, in favour of the professional integration of young people. In 2023, 2,653 hours will be devoted by group employees to supporting these young people

  • La Poste group supports a number of associations, in schools (Énergie Jeunes, Entreprendre pour apprendre, Enactus, Institut Télémaque); during career guidance (100,000 entrepreneurs, FACE, JobIRL); during school catch-up (the Second Chance Schools network, ADIE, the local missions network).

  • La Poste also supports the work of the « foyer de Cachan », which welcomes, trains and integrates young people in difficulty.

La Banque Postale, joined by the whole group, is committed to social patronage in favour of education and equal opportunities. In 2012, it designed "L'Envol, le campus de La Banque Postale". This scheme has been supported by the French Ministry of Education since its launch. Its mission is to promote the educational careers of talented pupils from modest backgrounds throughout France. This programme is innovative because of the duration of the support, from six to eight years, which provides the essential link between secondary school and higher education.

Making banking and insurance services accessible to all

La Banque Postale is the only bank to have been awarded the banking accessibility mission by the 2008 law on the modernisation of the economy. This commitment was confirmed in the public service contract for 2018-2022. This means that La Banque Postale must treat everyone with consideration, whatever their circumstances, and offer them appropriate solutions for banking.

In addition to the 1.3 million beneficiaries of the public service mission of banking accessibility, La Banque Postale welcomes 1.7 million customers at the end of April 2024, in situations of financial fragility. La Banque Postale develops and implements many specific actions to support these people.

It must also prevent overindebtedness and promote microcredit. La Banque Postale works to inform and raise the awareness of financially vulnerable people. To this end, it ensures that it offers them the most suitable products and services.

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