Published on February 27, 2025

La Poste Groupe 2024 results

In a challenging macroeconomic context, the 2024 results are improving, driven by the diversification of La Poste. The group's net profit stands at €1,410 million. La Poste's environmental and societal performance is ranked among the best. The group reduced its greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions by 6.8% in 2024.

Meeting today under the chairmanship of Philippe Wahl, the Board of Directors of La Poste approved the group’s consolidated financial statements for the year 2024. On this occasion, La Poste, a mission-led company, also presented its non-financial performance

The year of 2024 by Philippe Wahl, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of La Poste Groupe

La Poste Groupe saw an upward trend in its results in 2024, with revenue coming in at €34.6 billion and net profit advancing to €1.4 billion. These results are the outcome of our diversification strategy and are also due to the dedicated daily work of all of our people. That is why every La Poste Groupe employee will be receiving a higher profit-sharing bonus this year.

 Together, we have transformed La Poste.

 Mail now accounts for 15.8% of our overall revenue, compared with 52% in 2010. Despite fiercer competition, business volumes for Colissimo and Geopost increased in 2024, with parcel deliveries now accounting for 53% of our revenue compared with 23% in 2010.  

In parallel, our bancassurance model has futureproofed La Banque Postale's performance and given CNP Assurances a dedicated distribution network. La Banque Postale/ CNP Assurances both recorded an increase in their results, buoyed by strong sales momentum in the postal network.

Revenue from new local services rose 10.6% in 2024, coming in at €889 million.

And in digital services, Docaposte’s revenue amounted to €880 million.

Lastly, 2024 saw the successful completion of the sale of La Poste Telecom, which contributed €500 million to net profit, while forging a partnership enabling us to carry on marketing La Poste Mobile plans in our postal network.

 During the year, we continued to fulfil our four public service missions which benefit everyone in France, despite the fact that the insufficient compensation we receive for these services weighs on our results and our investment capacity.

As a mission-led company, upholding our environmental and social pledges is primordial. In 2024, faced with the crisis in the printed advertising sector, we took the decision to transfer some 4,100 Mediaposte employees into other group entities. In tandem we continued to decarbonise our activities by reducing our greenhouse gas emissions by 6.8%, in line with our “net zero by 2040” pathway. These steps are also our way of acting for society, acclaimed by the world's major non-financial rating agencies such as CDP, EcoVadis and Moody's which have placed us among the world's leaders for ESG.

 La Poste Groupe's mission is to be a committed, profitable and responsible group, and going forward it intends to pursue its growth trajectory, backed by its shareholders – Caisse des Dépôts and the French State – for the benefit of society as a whole.

Financial performance

  • Revenue¹: €34.6bn

    • up 1.5% vs 2023

    • up 1.6% vs 2023 at constant scope and exchange rates (like for like)

  • Operating profit²:

    €2,950m, up €1,270m vs 2023

    €2,520m excl. material non-recurring items (a), up €266m like for like vs 2023

  • Attributable net profit:

    €1,410m, up €896m vs 2023

    €1,153m excl. material non-recurring items (b), up €26m like for like vs 2023

  • Free cash flow³: €1,124m (c) vs €(437)m in 2023

  • CapEx (excluding LBP): €911m⁴ vs €2,065m in 2023

  • Attributable equity: €23.4bn vs €22.4bn at 31/12/2023

  • Net debt³: €10.6bn vs €12.0bn at 31/12/2023

  • Net debt/adjusted EBITDA3: 3.8 vs 6.2 at 31/12/2023

Non-financial performance⁵

Environmental performance

  • 6.8% reduction in GHG emissions⁶ i.e., a 306,768 tCO2eq. reduction vs 2023

  • GHG emissions per parcel: down 7.7% 137,500 tCO2eq. saved

  • Proportion of green CapEx⁷: 53% i.e., more than one out of every two euros invested      

  • Responsible investment portfolio⁸: €390 billion up 10% vs 2022

  • LBP’s regulatory green asset ratio: 5.7% up 20 bps vs end-2023

Social responsibility performance

  • Number of jobs supported (direct, indirect and induced)⁹: 426,000 (1.5% of jobs in France)

  • Percentage of employees with disabilities¹⁰: 9.76% vs 9.33% at 31/12/2023

  • Proportion of socially responsible lending¹¹ out of LBP’s total loan origination: 32%, up 4 pts vs 2023

¹ Throughout the press release, “revenue” refers to all of the group’s top line earnings, comprising revenue from industrial and commercial activities plus La Banque Postale’s net banking income (NBI), which in turn includes NBI from CNP Assurances.Operating profits and losses for the group and business lines are presented after the share in net profit/(loss) of jointly-controlled companies throughout this press release.

² Operating profits and losses for the group and business lines are presented after the share in net profit/(loss) of jointly-controlled companies throughout this press release.

³ Definition presented in Appendix 2 to this document.

⁴ Internal CapEx excluding disposals and external growth spending including disposals. In 2024, internal CapEx excluding disposals represented a net cash outflow of €1,251m, and external growth spending including disposals corresponded to a net cash inflow of €341m, mainly due to the sale of La Poste Telecom.

⁵ The verification of the sustainability statement is in progress.

⁶ Calculated on a group basis for all SBTI categories: direct emissions under Scopes 1 and 2 and indirect emissions under Scope 3, categories 3.1 (purchased goods and services), 3.3, 3.4 (upstream transportation and distribution) and 3.7 (employee commuting).

⁷ Proportion of EU Green Taxonomy-eligible CapEx classified as Taxonomy-aligned for industrial and commercial scopes.

⁸ Scope: La Banque Postale, CNP Assurances and LBP AM.

⁹ Scope: group in France.

¹⁰ Scope: La Poste SA.

¹¹ Lending to individuals, businesses and institutional investors for energy transition efforts and social and regional projects.

Significant events in 2024

2024 was marked by a difficult macroeconomic environment, despite cooling inflation and the beginning of interest rate cuts. Against this backdrop:

  • The structural decline in Mail volumes continued (down 8.2% to 5,618 million letters delivered vs 6,116 million in 2023).

  • Overall volumes of Parcel deliveries rose 2.7% year on year to 2,625 million from 2,554 million, led by increases for Geopost (up 2.3% to 2,138 million from 2,090 million) and Colissimo (up 4.9% to 487 million from 464 million), in highly competitive markets, with growth in out-of-home deliveries and e-commerce parcel deliveries from China weighing on margins in Europe

  • La Banque Postale's sales momentum is strong across all of its business lines, thanks in particular to greater synergies with the postal network.  In retail banking, the number of multi-product sales and the number of customers increased. In addition, the restructuring of unprofitable businesses combined with the cost-savings plan resulted in a positive jaw effect.

The group continued to implement its 2030 strategic plan, by:

• Printed advertising: in a market undergoing deep-seated change, the printed advertising distribution operations and staff of the group subsidiary, Mediaposte France, were transferred to La Poste SA in February 2024.

• Logistics:

- The group stepped up the roll-out of its Pickup network in 2024 – which is one of the highest-density out-of-home delivery networks in Europe, with 128,000 pick-up points and lockers at end-December.

- Geopost further strengthened its cross-border services for out-of-home parcel deliveries (+52% vs 2023), giving shippers and consumers access to the largest network in Europe.

- Chronofresh¹, France’s leading express food delivery operator, recorded revenue of €135 million in 2024. Geopost is now offering its temperature-controlled offering in seven European countries.

• Retail and services:

- The network’s net banking customer base was on a positive trend and it achieved its highest ever level of new money at €9.4 billion, and net new money of €1.6 billion, its best performance for 12 years.

- In January 2024, the partnership with Vinted was extended in France to include a new Colissimo delivery service, making it easier for customers to send and receive purchases of second-hand items (via their own letterbox or a post office).

- Increase in all NPS and inthe average Google review score for post offices (4.3/5).

• Bancassurance:

- In December 2024, CNP Assurances and La Mutuelle Générale created CNP Assurances Protection Sociale with the aim of becoming a major player in the individual and group health and personal protection insurance market.

- At the beginning of April 2024, the successful integration of La Financière de l'Échiquier into the Asset Management division saw the creation of a key player in conviction-based asset management in France and Europe.

- In 2024, CNP Assurances signed three exclusive distribution agreements, including a 20-year agreement with Banco de Brasilia².

• Digital services: in March 2024, Docaposte launched the first full cybersecurity offering that meets the needs of businesses, regional authorities and healthcare establishments, and in April 2024, it entered into a partnership with Bpifrance for this offering to be relayed among micro-enterprises and SMEs via Bpifrance’s own channels.

• Digital trust: in May 2024, Docaposte launched Dalvia Santé, an ethical and sovereign generative AI solution designed for healthcare professionals and establishments in collaboration with French players (Mistral AI and NumSpot), which has been marketed by La Poste Health & Autonomy since September 2024.

• Health data: in May 2024, La Poste Health & Autonomy teamed up with the start-up Yooli to launch the first solution for the administrative and medical preparation procedures for hospital admittance.

• Data marketing: in June 2024, Isoskèle acquired a 75% stake in LineUp7, a technological marketing agency that uses data to create tailored marketing strategies for its customers.

In late April 2024, La Banque Postale decided the closure of Ma French Bank, then in November it sold the entire capital of Lendopolis, a subsidiary forming part of the KissKissBankBank & Co crowdfunding business, and in December it sold the KissKissBankBank platform to another crowdfunding player.

In July 2024, CNP Assurances signed an agreement to sell the entire capital of CNP Cyprus Insurance Holdings (which carries out CNP Assurances’ insurance activities in Cyprus and Greece) to Hellenic Bank Public Company Ltd as part of CNP Assurances’ strategy of refocusing its footprint in Europe.

In September 2024, the UniCredit group exercised its call option on all the shares held by CNP Assurances (representing a 51% stake) in their Italian joint venture, CNP UniCredit Vita. CNP Assurances is pursuing its growth momentum in Italy via its wholly-owned subsidiary, CNP Vita Assicura.

Others significant events

• The sale of La Poste Telecom³ to Bouygues Telecom in November 2024, enabling La Poste Groupe to reap the rewards of its successful diversification into the mobile telephony market (€500 million positive impact on attributable net profit) and to forge a long-term distribution partnership with the aim of building up a base of 3 million customers by 2030.

• €750m issue of deeply subordinated notes carried out in January 2025, with the proceeds used for a partial redemption of the deeply subordinated notes issued in 2018.

• Solid financial ratings: A by S&P Global and A+ by Fitch Ratings.

¹ A subsidiary of Chronopost, part of Geopost, launched in 2015.

² Subject to the customary conditions precedent, such as approval by the Brazilian competition authority.

³ This entity, which was 51%-owned by La Poste and 49%-owned by SFR, distributed mobile telephony products under the La Poste Mobile brand.

A socially and environmentally responsible group:

Top rankings for the group’s sustainability commitment and leadership (overall ESG performance)

- The most recent rating assigned to La Poste Groupe by Moody’s ESG once again places the group No. 1 worldwide out of 4,557 companies, all sectors combined.

- La Banque Postale (LBP) ranked the leading French bank by Sustainalytics.

- La Poste Groupe and La Banque Postale (including CNP Assurances) included in the prestigious Climate A List of the Carbon Disclosure Project (CDP) – the international gold standard for sustainability reporting. Less than 2% of the 25,000 companies assessed worldwide make it to the A List.

- CNP Assurances obtains a AAA rating with a score of 9.7/10 from MSCI and is ranked joint fifth worldwide in the Life & Health Insurance category;

- La Poste, La Banque Postale and La Banque Postale Consumer Finance were among the 110 companies certified as Top Employer 2024 in France.

- Geopost included in the FT-Statista 2025 Diversity Leaders ranking.

Decarbonising all activities

- La Poste Groupe's carbon reduction pathway has been certified by the SBTi as aligned with the Paris Climate Agreement.

- Carbon budgets put in place and being rolled out within the group to manage emissions reductions in line with the group’s carbon reduction pathway and ensure rigorous management of the associated resources, costs and investments.

- Stepping up the group’s switch to greener energy for its buildings with Terseren the joint venture between La Poste Immobilier and EDF.

Innovating to preserve resources: in conjunction with its subsidiary, Recygo, La Poste has set up France's first network for recycling occupational clothing. This network helps companies comply with the regulations in France that have required occupational clothing to be sorted and recycled since 1 January 2025.

Financing the move to greener consumer habits in France: all home loan originations are now assessed using the Impact Weighting Factor and La Banque Postale (LBP) has launched the impact bank card in partnership with WWF. All deposits in current accounts associated with an impact card contribute to financing loans intended for the energy renovation of low-performance housing, and the annual card fee helps support biodiversity preservation programmes.

• Ensuring digital security and ethics:

- Via its subsidiary, Index Education (Pronote), Docaposte became France’s first education software publisher to obtain SecNumCloud qualification.

- La Poste presented its first "Data & AI" charter.

• Fostering social inclusion: Term creditor insurance: CNP Assurances has removed term creditor insurance premium surcharges and exclusions for breast cancer survivors

• Supporting regional development and social cohesion:

- Trial of a mobile post office model in five departments of France to offer residents in rural areas essential postal services as well as promote the administrative assistance available via France services.

- First-time measurement of social outreach actions in post offices – mainly in priority urban neighbourhoods via non-profit organisations: 1.5 million people supported.

- Deployment of serviced senior residences with seven projects completed (of which Strasbourg, Brest, Saint-Etienne and Châteauroux) or underway: 530 homes, 30,000 sq.m of vacant space used.

- Record year for La Banque Postale loan originations with the local public sector (€11.8bn, up 25%); La Banque Postale has been the leading bank lender to local authorities since 2015.

In the summer, La Poste brought the Olympic and Paralympic Games to every corner of France thanks to the large-scale mobilisation of its employees, its vehicles painted in the colours of the Games and the issue of an official stamp with a print run of 800,000

Transforming employer-employee dialogue: Social and Economic Committees (SECs) were set up in 2024, with 10 majority agreements signed with the trade unions and a 64.5% employee participation rate in the elections for the SEC members.

• A responsible employer:

- Over 4,100 Mediapost employees onboarded.

- More than 12,600 hires on permanent contracts by the group in France.

- Geopost and UNI Global Union (an international trade union for the services industries, representing 20 million workers) signed an addendum to their global agreement, strengthening and extending protection for Geopost employees and partners in over 50 countries.

• A group committed to its people:

- The new profit-sharing agreement, signed in June 2024, includes social and environmental responsibility indicators for the first time, such as La Poste SA’s lost-time accident frequency rate and the group’s greenhouse gas (GHG) emission reduction rate.

- The group signed an amendment extending the agreement relating to postal workers who are carers, providing for specific measures to help them achieve a better balance between their working lives and role as carers. At end-2024, 5,000 carers had been identified and were receiving support through these measures.


Against a backdrop of gradually cooling inflation and the beginning of interest rate cuts, the global economy is projected to grow by 2.7% in 2025, overshadowed by geopolitical uncertainty and tensions in international trade relations. For France, the 2025 growth forecast has been lowered to 0.9%. Inflation in the eurozone is expected to stabilise at around 2%¹.

On the basis of its strategic plan – "La Poste 2030, committed for you” – the group is continuing down its profitable and responsible growth path both in France and internationally. In 2025 it will be focusing on the following priorities:

The group's aim is to enter a new phase in its transformation towards a self-sustaining postal model, that is committed, profitable and responsible, serving the public interest.