La Poste Groupe saw an upward trend in its results in 2024, with revenue coming in at €34.6 billion and net profit advancing to €1.4 billion. These results are the outcome of our diversification strategy and are also due to the dedicated daily work of all of our people. That is why every La Poste Groupe employee will be receiving a higher profit-sharing bonus this year.
Together, we have transformed La Poste.
Mail now accounts for 15.8% of our overall revenue, compared with 52% in 2010. Despite fiercer competition, business volumes for Colissimo and Geopost increased in 2024, with parcel deliveries now accounting for 53% of our revenue compared with 23% in 2010.
In parallel, our bancassurance model has futureproofed La Banque Postale's performance and given CNP Assurances a dedicated distribution network. La Banque Postale/ CNP Assurances both recorded an increase in their results, buoyed by strong sales momentum in the postal network.
Revenue from new local services rose 10.6% in 2024, coming in at €889 million.
And in digital services, Docaposte’s revenue amounted to €880 million.
Lastly, 2024 saw the successful completion of the sale of La Poste Telecom, which contributed €500 million to net profit, while forging a partnership enabling us to carry on marketing La Poste Mobile plans in our postal network.
During the year, we continued to fulfil our four public service missions which benefit everyone in France, despite the fact that the insufficient compensation we receive for these services weighs on our results and our investment capacity.
As a mission-led company, upholding our environmental and social pledges is primordial. In 2024, faced with the crisis in the printed advertising sector, we took the decision to transfer some 4,100 Mediaposte employees into other group entities. In tandem we continued to decarbonise our activities by reducing our greenhouse gas emissions by 6.8%, in line with our “net zero by 2040” pathway. These steps are also our way of acting for society, acclaimed by the world's major non-financial rating agencies such as CDP, EcoVadis and Moody's which have placed us among the world's leaders for ESG.
La Poste Groupe's mission is to be a committed, profitable and responsible group, and going forward it intends to pursue its growth trajectory, backed by its shareholders – Caisse des Dépôts and the French State – for the benefit of society as a whole.