Published on May 27, 2024

Against a backdrop of constant tightening of regulations applying to all of the group's activities and to all stakeholders, the compliance function aims to safeguard and support the activities serving the group's development, thereby helping to ensure the sustainability of its development.

The Group Compliance Department implements the necessary measures to identify and prevent risks of non-compliance. It instils and shares with all La Poste Groupe employees a culture of compliance that is embodied on a daily basis in the performance of all their tasks.

Compliance is a source of added value, a safeguarding and sustainable development lever for La Poste Groupe. It is the result of a long-term commitment, a guarantee of trust for all. As such, compliance must be part of everyone's daily habits.

Philippe Escaffre

Director of Compliance, La Poste Group


Safeguarding and supporting activities serving the group's development

La Poste Groupe does not tolerate any risk of non-compliance which is liable to harm its reputation, prevent it from achieving its operational objectives or results, endanger the trust of its customers and employees, or result, where applicable, in sanctions by administrative or judicial authorities.

The implementation of the compliance system for each compliance area is based on a body of standards, risk assessment, training, controls, indicators and reporting to corporate governance. The group's compliance departments support the business units in rolling out these measures.

La Poste Groupe Code of Conduct

The code of conduct officially sets out La Poste Groupe’s values and the resulting practices. It formalises the principles and standards that constitute a reference guide with which the company shall ensure that both its employees and its partners and business relationships comply.

 It is a universal document, and its provisions are intended to apply to employees of all group entities, regardless of their activity and location. It is appended to the Internal Rules of Procedure of each of these entities.

A whistleblowing system

For several years, La Poste Groupe has put in place a whistleblowing system which, among others, can be accessed by its employees and the employees of suppliers and partners.

In accordance with the law on the protection of whistleblowers, this system can be used to report:


• harm to the group’s interests;

• non-compliance with confidentiality of information;

• non-compliance with a code of conduct;

• non-compliant professional conduct with regard to customers, suppliers and other stakeholders;

• non-compliance with conflict-of-interest rules;

• non-compliance with the gifts and invitations policy;

• corruption;

• fraud;

• breaches relating to the duty of care concerning:

- human rights and fundamental freedoms including the principle of non-discrimination;

- health and/or safety including harassment;

- the environment (e.g. biodiversity, pollution, greenhouse gas emissions).

[Access the whistleblowing system]

Protection of personal data

visuel avec un cadenas

Any customer wishing to exercise these rights must request to do so by completing the online form available at this address: 


by sending a letter to the following address: La Poste BP 10245 33506 Libourne. 

In the event of any difficulty in exercising these rights, you may contact:

Data Protection Officer


9 Rue du Colonel Pierre Avia

75015 Paris