The smell of coffee and pastries--it's Monday in Fontaine-Saint-Lucien. Solange is eagerly waiting for Nicole, her postwoman.
When Solange Serdet saw advertisements for Watch Over My Parents, she decided to sign up for the service. “I took it upon myself to get this service, which gives me one visit per week on Mondays. I’m always excited for them”, says Solange. “Nicole is the only person I see, along with the lady who does my shopping on Thursdays. I really trust her. And that’s why I turned to La Poste when I learned about this from the TV.”
Ms. Serdet has access to remote assistance via a connected digital bracelet that is linked to a monitoring centre, which is available to provide assistance 24/7: “This system has only strengthened the relationship of trust, which has existed for a long time.” Nicole Lobry, the postwoman, agrees: “We talk about what she did last week, what's going well, what’s not going well. I use the Factéo application to pass on the little everyday issues that Solange lets me know about.” So, every Monday, Solange invites Nicole in, and lets her know about any little issues she might have so that Nicole can inform Solange’s children via the application.
Solange, Nicole, and Kiki the dog all enjoy this weekly get-together...