Digital support in the Ardennes

On 22 May, the Vouziers Foyer de Jeunesse et d’Education Populaire (FJEP), a charity for young people, and La Poste signed an agreement to support members of the community who lack access to digital resources.

Committed to fighting exclusion and strengthening the fabric of society, La Poste is seeking to develop initiatives in digital outreach.

The partnership signed in Vouziers on 22 May outlines the conditions under which the Vouziers FJEP will deliver social outreach and digital support to La Poste customers who are isolated with regard to the internet and digital resources. To do so, the FJEP will appoint ombudsmen and coordinators for example who, having received training in using Le Groupe La Poste’s online services, will deliver support to the programme’s target audiences in several La Poste retail outlets in the Ardennes (Le Chesne, Grand Pré and Monthois).

Top-level support

The objective is to help members of the community access postal services, as well as to provide initial support for any other needs they may have and signpost them to local public services and/or community centres.

Hugues Mahieu, Regional Relations Delegate in the Ardennes, specifies : “This initiative is part of the local postal coverage agreement signed by La Poste, the French government, and the French Mayoral Association, which sets digital access and support for vulnerable people as a priority for the next three years. We are reaching out into the most deprived, sparsely populated areas”.