Published on June 13, 2024
Updated on September 4, 2024

Climate change is causing the destruction of biodiversity and ecosystems.

The scale of these losses requires a collective global response, and the group La Poste has therefore decided to take action by implementing a biodiversity policy.

In 2021, La Poste Groupe established its biodiversity policy, which aims to protect the benefits provided by healthy ecosystems that function properly, otherwise known as "ecosystem services"(1)

The group La Poste needs to address the issue of protecting biodiversity of :

  • its real-estate business, mainly as regards the footprint of its properties and the artificialisation of soils;

  • its transport activities, particularly in terms of fuel and raw-material consumption and the use of transport infrastructures that cause the fragmentation of natural soils;

  • its Banking/Insurance business, particularly in relation to the impacts resulting from loans in the retail banking sector and its investment portfolios.

Establish a collegial governance system for biodiversity issues

In order to set quantifiable objectives in terms of protecting living organisms, the group uses a key indicator (Global Biodiversity Score) to assess the group's biodiversity footprint.

It is also working on setting up a collegial governance system for the protection of ecosystem biodiversity. This will enable the group to manage and measure the impact of its actions, and actively involve postal workers, while also drawing on the support of external partners and experts and mobilising our suppliers. The governance structure will set objectives for the entire group, which will be implemented in the various branches and entities.

The Services-Mail-Parcels and the Retail Customers and Digital Services Business Units have already signed a partnership with CDC Biodiversité(2) order to contribute to the Nature 2050 programme.

S’engager pour la biodiversité

Concerning La Banque Postale, they have signed the Finance for Biodiversity Pledge, a global initiative, whose signatories aim to restore and protect biodiversity through their investment and finance activities. CNP Assurances is also a signatory of the Pledge.

In 2021, La Poste Immobilier (the Real-Estate division) started deploying the biodiversity component of its Sustainable Real-Estate policy, launched in 2020. This is based on a set of concrete initiatives  that are already in place; this includes 40 sites with pollinators (wild or domestic bees), 10 sites with eco-grazing, mini-forests installed on the land of postal sorting hubs, and a partnership with the French League for the Protection of Birds (LPO).

Contribute to getting citizens involved in protecting biodiversity in cities and rural areas

One of the key matters to ensuring the success of these policies is to make sure that everyone is aware of the actions needing to be taken. For example, employees and suppliers at La Poste take part in initiatives and schemes in order to develop their knowledge and their understanding of nature. In metropolitan France and the French Overseas Territories, the group La Poste also involves the general public in participatory science initiatives and actions aiming at protecting biodiversity.

  1. (1)Vital services that are provided by ecosystems for many species or groups of species, generally classified as a common good and/or public good.

  2. (2)Subsidiary of the Caisse des Dépôts dedicated to action in favour of biodiversity.

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