This is the third and final stage of the merger of La Banque Postale and CNP Assurances, following the creation of the major public financial centre, a long-standing project announced by the Minister of the Economy and Finance alongside Caisse des Dépôts and La Poste in 2018. After La Banque Postale’s simplified takeover bid on CNP Assurances, which ended in June 2022 and was followed by a delisting, La Banque Postale became the sole shareholder of CNP Assurances, thus owning 100% of its capital.
Now, this final phase consists of combining the property and personal insurance businesses of La Banque Postale and CNP Assurances to create a comprehensive, integrated bank insurer model, in France and internationally. To this end, after consulting with the Staff Representative Bodies of all the companies concerned and obtaining the approval of the competent regulatory authorities, La Banque Postale announces that it owns 100% of the legal entity named “CNP Assurances Holding”, bringing together the insurance activities of La Banque Postale and CNP Assurances.